Having a Bad Day? Internet and New Casino Reviews

What do you do when your internet goes down? Personally I can find several things to do, and  depending on the time of day, I just as soon go grab a cold one and watch some TV, unless of course my TV depends on the Internet,  NOT!

I hate bagging on people,  but life is just to short, if you have read my profile you  know I am the sometimes proud, sometimes not so proud owner of a small ISP “Internet Service Provider” in Mexico,  and let me tell ya, sometimes its not fun at all. The other day we had some significant rain in my neck of the woods and of course rain and electronics don’t mix well. What I can tell you is that if people lose internet connectivity they will do just about anything in the world to let you know.  I don’t care if its been off for two minutes, two hours or two days, actually after two days they are usually starting to put togetther a lynch mob. Many of my clients will call me up to tell me how much money they lost because they could not get online to do their stock trades, or how it was their sons birthday and they could not wish him a happy birthday.

On Monday we had a minor outage, and since it was a national holiday, Mexico’s Independence day, no one could get a hold of me to let me know that they had no Internet. I guess if I was online 24/7 I would have noticed, but thanks to my kids who are glued to the computer all day, they kindly let me know, and as always, I had the equipment replaced in no time, and things are running smoothly.

So enough about the Internet,  lets get to the serious stuff.  I just did a couple of reviews on two new casinos that I feel have real potential, and may be a good option for those looking for something new.

The first casino on my list is Guts Casino, you gotta love the name! Guts.com began operations in May of this year and offers a wide selection of games that run on a variety of different gaming platforms, visit any popular forum and you will see that guts casino has so far been rated very high by its players,  we all know how hard it is to please players nowadays, Doing my review I played them and won a a little money, but currently I am in the red, if you are a player who gets bored with games quickly it will take you a while to run through all the games offered by Guts, the other thing people are bragging about is their fast payout times, in fact they say that winnings can be paid out in as little as two hours, that’s a milestone for a casino, considering many make you wait up to ten days.

MoneyGaming casino is another casino that is new to me as well,  it only offers instant games that can be played through your web browser as well as games that can be played on your mobile device or tablet, if you are a fan of  IGT and Aristocrat games which are some of my favorites, you will love MoneyGaming.

Both casinos seem to have a bright future, the only downside is that neither casino accepts U.S players.

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